Podcasting workstation problems solved!

The ingenious, hi-tech mobile podcast platform that solves all your workstation problems

Manage your podcasting hardware the professional way.

Introducing the Advanced Podcast Platform™ from DE:CODED. This unique device solves all of your podcasting workstation problems. Podcasting workstation problems solved!

Our ingenious, hi-tech mobile podcast platform solves all of your podcasting workstation management problems.

Cyber Security DE:CODED podcast
Listen to the Cyber Security DE:CODED podcast.

How it works

It’s all based on an MDF kitchen shelf, which allows you to clamp the mic wherever you are. But there’s more to it than that!

🔴 Desk has no overhanging edges to take a clamp?

No problem with the Advanced Podcast Platform™. Clamp your mic anywhere with our advanced ClampAnywhere® technology.

🔴 Need to move your entire setup to a different room?

The Advanced Podcast Platform™ has your back!

(Just don’t let your laptop slide off while you’re walking…)

🔴 Too many wires and papers on your workstation?

Podcasting workstation problems SOLVED!

Plonk the Advanced Podcast Platform™ down onto everything else and get on with podcasting. No more distractions!

Available at all good builder’s merchants, or possibly somewhere in your kitchen.

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